Holistic Detoxification Program


"It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard to get one single remedy."
Chinese Proverb

Detoxification is necessary today just to stay healthy!

As this world becomes more toxic than ever it is much more of overwhelming task to prevent and recover from almost constant exposure to so many forms of pollution from the environment. Environmental impact on health is slowly being recognized by more and more health care providers. It is no longer just a psychological issue. There is a substantial amount of evidence related to the physical impact of exposure to toxins on your body.

We Present

Detoxification Self-Healing

E-Holistic Program



Sale Ends Shortly - $27

According to Elson M. Haas, MD from her book “Staying Healthy with Nutrition”
problems related to toxicity are:

Acne Obesity Prostate disease Menstrual problems

Boils Bacteria Vaginitis Eczema Varicose Veins

Allergies Fungus Diabetes Arthritis Parasites

Peptic Ulcers Asthma Worms Gastritis Constipation

Gout Uterine Fibroid Tumors Pancreatitis Colitis

Cancer Mental Illness Hemorrhoids Cataracts

Multiple Sclerosis Diverticulitis Colds

Alzheimer’s disease Cirrhosis Bronchitis Hepatitis

Pneumonia Fibrocystic Breast disease Sinusitis

Emphysema Atherosclerosis Headaches

Heart disease Kidney disease

Hypertension Gallstones Stroke

If You Want:

  • More Energy and Increased vitality

  • Better Skin and Shinier Hair

  • Lose weight, Burn Fat and Control Sugar Cravings

  • Fewer Digestive Symptoms and Less Bloating

  • Feeling More Calm and Better Mental Focus

  • Better and Deeper Sleep

  • Decrease Aches and Pains and Less Cramping

  • Fewer Headaches

  • Improve Libido

  • Disappearance of Chronic Problems

You Need To Detoxify!!!

What you will get inside of 140 pages

Detoxification Program:


Purification Program

Toxicity Questionnaire Test

How Toxins Inhibit Your Health

Why Do We Need To Detox

Where Toxins Come From

Who Needs to Detoxify

How Toxins Make Us Fat

Natural Resources for Detoxification

Strategies That Work


“We are made victims of sickness, aging, and death by gaps in our knowledge.”
Deepek Chopra

When you are in your 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th
it’s no secret that the body gets older. But for most of us, the real mystery is in translating the difference between normal graceful aging and signs
of deeper health issues.

Detoxification E-Holistic Program

Delivers What You Are Looking



Sale Ends Shortly - $27

Most people report that

after detoxification:

  • Blood sugar drops of 20 points
  • Bad cholesterol falls for 50-60 points
  • Waist reduction of 2-4 inches
  • Weight loss of 10-20 pounds
  • Stress, pain and stiffness decreased and eventually disappeared
  • Digestion, skin, hair and mental clarity improved
  • Immune system and energy enhanced

Dear Future Customer!

Looking back, I wish I could say that commitment to healthy life style was the result of native intelligence. But that wouldn’t be true. It was born purely out of need. For years, healthy eating and life style had taken a backseat to other, seemingly more important issues. Until the time, when people I love got sick and my health started to decline, I thought, there would be plenty of time to improve our diet and health in the future. But after that point my determination became the foundation of a resolve to eat a better diet and live a healthier life. Finally, I had reached a point in time when I was ready to listen and learn. This is how I became a health coach and nutritionist to addition to my medical massage therapy practice. I am glad that I did it.

I’ve spent countless hours for education and restoring my health and people I love. I don’t want you to have to do the same. That’s why I’ve gathered all of my research, education and professional experience since 1986 into an easy-to-follow program that can transform your life in much less time and expense. With a few simple changes, you can overcome the frustrating health symptoms that are weighing you down.

Whatever You Do,

DON'T Take Your Health Lightly!

Little actions you can do every day will make a huge difference. You can invest in your health now or pay later. The pay later option is much more costly. I prefer to pay now, because I don't want to SUFFER and you don't have to suffer either. Neither do your friends, or your family. You are at choice.

Do You Know That Your Dream

to Restore Your Health

Can Become Your Reality?

I gave you the detailed information and now you know exactly what to do to heal your body. I hope you will take this journey with me and with the many others who never knew their health and their lives could ever be this good again. People who thought they had no choice but to live with chronic issues and persistent symptoms, they've healed from the inside out and so will you.

So, Go Ahead

Trust Youtself and Purchase Today

Detoxification E-Holistic Program



Sale Ends Shortly - $27

What do you have to lose besides weight, fatigue, disease and pain? Leave it all behind. You'll feel better and your quality of life will increase sharply as a result of your new-found energy.

Many people are suffering unnecessarily. My mission is to help as many people as possible first to heal, and then to achieve and sustain vibrant health. When your health is thriving, you become a better version of yourself, and then you are able to contribute more to your loved ones and to the world around you. That is why I do what I do.

In Health,
Health Coach Zhanna