Purification Program
as the Best Method of Detoxification
as the Best Method of Detoxification
program, designed to achieve the highest level
of purification from the inside out at safe rate,
and to help develop overall lifestyle and diet
changes for a successful transition
for a long term wellness.
all of your organs detoxification:
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Intestines
- Lymphtic System
- Respiratory System
- Skin
- Reduce the risk of premature death and slow down your aging process
- Reduce the risk of heart disease
- Reduce the risks of many cancers, including colon and breast cancer
- Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
- Improve your brainpower
- Lower your blood pressure
- Fight off a cold
- Manage arthritis
- Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
- Reduce depression, stress and anxiety
- Enhance performance in work and sport
- Help reduce body fat and help you reach and stay at a healthy weight
- Boost self-image and self-esteem and improve sleep
- Make you feel more relaxed and rested
- Make you look fit and feel healthy
- Increase your energy levels and fight depression
- How to do Purification Program the right way according to your needs and health
- Whole Food Supplements/Herbs for Purification Program
Step 1 – Preparation Purification Program
Step 2 – Purification Program - 21 days
Step 3 – Post Purification Program
Purification Program

As a health coach, nutritionist and therapist I’ve learned one of the most important things that each one of us is truly unique, and at the same time, each of us shares the same basic need.
Everybody, who did Purification Program with me for the last 7 years, experienced detoxification process differently depending on their nutritional status, chronic conditions, ability to detoxify, stress level and physical fitness. Everybody did it at their own pace and unique needs.
“I tried sugar after 21 days and it didn’t taste any good. The next day I felt no energy, it robed my energy. Even more, my mouth was dry and I was thirsty no matter how much water I drank. I was wired and tired at the same time. I realized how sugar was bad for you and I choose to respect my body with the correct nourishment.” Nancy Soblin
skin and digestive problem
“I had a rather lavish gluten-filled dinner one night after the cleanse and experienced what I can only describe as a gluten hangover the next morning. This “brain fog” has happened a few times since and does not suite well for a small business owner running morning meetings daily. I notice it more when the gluten is heavily processed - like crackers or cereal. Grains are not as awesome as I once thought. I have trouble digesting most grains - gluten-free or not. Quinoa and Buckwheat seem to be the one exception to this rule.” Sophia Gagel
“As soon as I introduced breads and pasta back into my regular diet, my stomach began to feel uncomfortable and my eczema returned. I now know I have gluten sensitivity and thus has been the culprit of my ailments all these years!! It's amazing how diet plays such an important role in our health, it's true what they say, garbage in...garbage out! Knowledge is power.”
Joan Faulkner
“My guess is that gluten, sugar, and coffee are the three things that mess with my sleep cycles more than anything else. Before cleansing, I needed an average of seven and a half to eight hours of sleep a night whereas during the cleanse and after I need six to seven hours. I also wake up with a new energy in my step!”
Lori Lerman
basically gone away
“I am a 67 year old retired attorney. I have been progressively suffering from sciatica. And that has resulted in a lot of pain which was interfering with how I walked and what activities I choose NOT to do. Persistent pain affected my HEARING to the point where I was finally willing to LISTEN to Zhanna. And as a retired attorney who controls his world, I do not listen easily. But I listened, even when I doubted, BECAUSE I WANTED MY LIFE BACK! I did a body cleanse (despite serious reservations) and have altered my diet to what my body tells me works. I eat more vegetables than I ever wanted to see and I am learning to like them. I poop better and have lost 15 pounds of fat in 3 months without dieting. And it is working. I have my pain under control. I cliff dive, jet ski, snow ski, scuba dive, bounce out of my sports car and fly on long plane rides without pain or cramping and I again do what I want. I have pain from my workouts and muscle building but I have no "old man pain." And I like it that way. During the cleanse my aches and pains virtually went away.”
Michael A McKean
I have in decades
“After being on detox for a few times, my joint and muscular pain is significantly less and I lost my belly & back fat and have the flattest stomach & smallest waist in over 25 years! And my cystic acne has completely gone away - my skin is absolutely glowing - so much so I don't even want to wear makeup! I look and feel younger than I have in decades, no joke” Jane Hawk
lower my blood sugar levels,
reduce my cravings for sugar
and lose weight sensibly.
“It became obvious that Purification Program of the organic whole food supplements and clean food would aid me in having more balance in my life. I was very impressed with assistance in helping me to lose 21 pounds, dropping one of my diabetes medications, and bringing my resting pulse rate down to 60 beats per minute. The Standard Process cleansing products helped me better to eat nutritious food, and the Gymnema not only helped to lower my blood sugar levels but also to reduce my cravings for sugar and lose weight sensibly.” James Tille
“I checked my cholesterol before and after detox. To my big surprise my bad cholesterol went down 60 points and I felt great, energized, clean, light and ready to do anything.” Dmitry Frumkin
with my yoga positions
“For years Zhanna has suggested a detoxification program for me, so finally I did it and to my surprise my aches and pain have diminished as well as my eczema and dry skin. I've been able to go deeper with my yoga positions, I always thought aging was the reason I could no longer do certain poses! I am so happy, my youth came back!” Joan Faulkner
“I was pretty good at following purification program, I expected to be tired, and hungry going thru this.... But to my surprise, I wasn't. In fact I could eat as much as I wanted; just substitute those right nutritional foods for the unhealthy ones. I ended up losing 20 lbs. in the 21 days. I didn't really consider myself much over weight. But the pounds melted off, my aches and pains virtually went away, my hair was softer and shinier. AND I slept a whole lot better. So, all things were very positive, and I would highly recommend it to anyone ... In fact a few members of my family are going to give it a shot, as well as some friends. (Now I just need to better at trying Zhanna's healthy recipes, to keep this journey healthy and EASY!” Lynn Elliot
“I am a patient of Zhanna's. I was referred to her by my Neurosurgeon for Medical Massage post-op 3 back surgeries. I was having a lot of muscle pain and swelling from the trauma of the surgeries. On my fist visit, Zhanna asked me if I was having any problems with my digestion, and to my surprise. I thought, "How would she know?" She went on to explain about how the digestion affects the muscles and contributes to the swelling and thus brings more pain. After talking with her, it made more sense to me and I started taking whole food supplements. It has gotten a lot better and the swelling isn't as bad either. But most of all my digestion is far better than it has been for a couple of years. Well since I have started all the back problems. I didn't think I would ever be normal again. It is a great feeling not to have to take immodium every day 2 to 3 times a day sometimes. The supplements and the diet have made my life better and I am even starting to drop a few pounds. I just found out my liver enzymes are perfectly normal now and before they were very elevated. The supplements work! Thanks Zhanna, you ROCK!” Cindy Avery
focus on projects
“I slept better and fell asleep faster, I had more energy throughout the day, I was able to concentrate and focus on projects, and I felt like a weight had been lifted – I was no longer addicted to Diet Coke and my body was thanking me for it. Pooping has never been so good. Oh man, I could go on and on about this. Suffice it to say that “regular” has a whole new meaning to me now.” Elizabeth Corker
and have a healthy glow
“I lost a bit of weight. What I didn’t expect was how my skin would start to glow. Also, there seemed to be an overall decrease in inflammation and a reduction in bloat and water weight. I now consciously choose every single thing that goes into my body. Hello, sexy.”
Sheri Huberton
nobody’s business
“Smoothies are hands-down the best way to get all your food in one easy-to-assimilate format. You can load up on greens and vegetables, plant-based protein powders, almonds, herbs and spices, coconut water, and so much more. And I love it!” Becky Olson
“I have an on-off love affair with coffee. I know it’s not good for my body, but I haven’t been able to kick it. Until now. The times I have had coffee after the cleanse, I’ve felt the negative effects on my body and mind, and it’s just not worth it anymore. Hot lemon water and brewed teas are fantastic substitutes. Plus it’s much cheaper than a latte” Ellen Worlenden
I really can do anything
“Detoxification is probably the biggest challenge I’ve taken on in a long time. And it wasn’t as hard as I thought. As the saying goes, “Perfect is the enemy of done.” You’ll be surprised what you can achieve once you’ve taken the first step.” Oleg Chopotov