Digestion Problems

Heartburn or Indigestion

It is generally a result of insufficient acidity in the stomach. This sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. The stomach needs hydrochloric acid (HCL) to digest food properly. When the stomach becomes HCL-deficient, the result is the putrefaction of food. This produces organic acids, which cause heartburn and indigestion. Antacids, such as Turns, are effective in alleviating these symptoms because they neutralize the organic acids. However, they only aggravate the underlying problem by increasing the alkalinity of the stomach. Read Digestive Problems Holistic Preventive Program for details.




Zypan is the premier digestive enzyme product because it is so effective at rebuilding the protein digestion system. Undigested proteins cause many more problems than fats, carbs and sugars. Zypan is best product for improving protein digestion. It contains Pancreatin, Pepsin and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) and also, ammonium chloride. Read more.


(1-2 capsules as needed for relief)


Gastrex releases the pain. It supports digestion and stimulates cleansing of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is used to relieve gastritis and ulcers and promote healing of the GI tract, especially the stomach and duodenum. Read more.

Okra Pepsin E3



The function of Okra Pepsin E3 is to remove mucous from the walls of the small intestines and thereby enhance nutrient absorption through the intestinal wall into the blood. Okra is a very gooey and sticky mucilaginous green vegetable. The tacky okra sticks to the intestinal wall long enough to put the protein digesting enzyme, pepsin, in contact with the protein based mucous. Read more.





Zypan is the premier digestive enzyme product because it is so effective at rebuilding the protein digestion system. Undigested proteins cause many more problems than fats, carbs and sugars. Zypan is best product for improving protein digestion. It contains Pancreatin, Pepsin and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) and also, ammonium chloride. Read more.

If constipation is persistent, add one at a time until cleared.

A-F Betafood



It is a gallbladder and liver decongestant, supports fat metabolism, thinning and mobilization of bile and assists in the conversion of blood fat to sugar. It is source of naturally occurring betaine from young growing beet leaves that helps with congestion and movement of bile and digestion of fats. Read more.




Cholacol contains purified bile salts. It is for bile stasis and gallbladder relief, for the bile-deficient patient. It is beef bile salts. Don't confuse this product with refined extracts of bile salts, such as dehydrocholic acid. Cholacol is the whole bile substance. Read more.




Choline assists in fat metabolism in the liver. It supports the action of bile salts by reducing the surface tension of fat particles, making them more easily emulsified by the bile salts. Read more.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.