Fat Burning Quiz

some text

1. How often do you consume refined grains and starches (breads, pasta, cereal, muffins, crackers, waffles, pancakes, potatoes, yams, potato chips, white rice and etc.) in a given week
Never A few times per week only Once a day Several times per day
2. How often do you consume sugar (candy, table sugar, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cakes)
Never A few times per week only Once a day Several times per day
3. How much juice, Gatorade, sports drinks, soda do you drink in an average day?
None 3 ounces or less 4 to 7 ounces 8 ounces or more
4. How much coffee (regular caffeinated) do you drink per day?
None 4 ounces (small coffee cup) 8 ounces More than 8 ounces
5. New question?
Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3