Medical Massage Therapy

for Internal Organs Pain Relief and

Chronic Conditions


“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.”

There are 11 major organ systems to the human body. Massage can affect these systems in differing ways. Massage affects internal organs by directly or indirectly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow greater blood supply to them.

Viscera (internal organs) can become stuck together forming adhesions and inhibiting their movements. Adhesions are small fibers that abnormally attach structures that should be separate. When you do not feel well, you can bet that some form of adhesion or congestion is inhibiting the body from expressing its vital life force. This probably inhibits blood flow. Organs can form trigger points, referring pain and/or tension elsewhere. They can become stuck to the diaphragm, ribs, pelvis, and spine. Organs are supposed to slide up/down with each breath, getting a little massage each time you breathe. Tense, hardened, glued- together viscera cement you into postural distortion: upper body stooped forward, low back deeply curved, one shoulder pulled down, etc. For instance, the liver is often hardened and adhered to the respiratory diaphragm. Releasing the adhesions allows the diaphragm to move more easily, so breathing deepens. Liver function may improve as well. The liver and gall bladder can have trigger points that refer pain to the neck and shoulders. One thing necessary for healing is release. Holding on and refusing to move generates disease and keeps an illness in place. When we are able to release and finally let go, we allow movement.

You’ll learn in this guide about:

  • Specific medical massage therapy for the most common chronic conditions

  • How internal organs get so tense

  • Correlation between muscular system and internal organs

  • How massage helps premature infants to improve weight gain.

  • How massage increases the contraction capability of the heart muscle

  • How massage helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke and improve lungs function

  • How medical massage stimulates blood production

  • How medical massage influences the lymph circulation

  • How medical massage releases endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin and reduce level of the stress hormone cortisol

  • How massage influences respiratory function

  • How massage improves immune system

  • How massage stimulates central nervous system function

  • How massage helps indigestion

  • How massage helps to lose weight

  • How massage helps to cope with anger

Also, use
Whole Food Supplements and Herbs Protocols
for the Chronic Conditions

to provide nutrients to rebuild and support
your body parts.