Iodine Patch Test Recommendations

If you wish to be healthy, there are certain things you can do that reliably and consistently produce a healthy outcome. And if you wish to be diseased, there are other things you can do to reliably and consistently produce disease. It is your choice!!!

What you can do to improve

your thyroid problems?

Thyroid problems can severely impact our lives, and there is no reason for us to go on suffering. I feel that educating ourselves about our bodies and taking the steps to care for them physically and emotionally will always lead to greater health and happiness. Take time to understand the causes of thyroid problems and ways to prevent it. You will be surprised at the difference you can make!

1. Learn how to prevent your thyroid problems from blowing into a bigger problem and improve your condition

You’ll learn how to prevent and improve your thyroid problems naturally with no side effect. Not with medication, but with delicious, satisfying, amazing food, whole food supplements, exercises and changing life style. By following this program, you'll feel great, achieve and sustain vibrant health and your quality of life will increase sharply as a result of your new-found energy.

2. Learn about Whole Food Supplements/Herbs that will improve your thyroid condition naturally

These Whole Food Supplements are concentrated foods that contain the life spark of the complex plant, organically grown, raw live nutrients, processed without heat/chemicals, and provide you with the strongest, natural, and most balanced content of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients that you need to sustain a healthy life.

3. One on One Coaching. I believe that the more personalized health information and support is, the more successful you will be in achieving your health and life goals

Our body is not a collection of disjointed compartments; it is a gathering of dozens of organs that are complexly connected in structure and function. Everything is related to everything else. If any part of the ecological whole is destroyed, it adversely affects the whole. So, a specific organ’s health is influenced by the overall health of the entire body. Many conditions, that at first glance appear to have no connection with other health problems, have actually been related.

I’ll help you to figure out what is the root cause of your problems. The protocol is unique and designed especially for you based on knowledge of your body type, specific needs, and your health. It matches the problem to the solution that is why is effective and powerful.

If your health is less than acceptable and you want to age more gracefully, act today in order to overcome your health issues. What’s the biggest frustration you have? Do you ever get the feeling you’re doing everything “right” for your health and still getting nowhere? Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. I’ve felt that way many times during my life before I began my health journey. And it is sooooo frustrating! Get Help!

In Health
Holistic Health Coach Zhanna