Step 9: Stress Reduction


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if everything is a miracle. The other is as if nothing is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

The first secret to stress management most of us have never been taught is that to feel less stressed we have to intentionally listen to and give careful thought to the stress messages from our body and brain. Once you start thinking about what’s important to you, your alarm will slow the bodily feelings of stress because it knows you’re paying attention and thinking clearly.

The alarm's signals are valuable. When we know that stress is in our body because we have an important decision to make or trouble we need to look out for, we can use stress as vital feedback. Our brains want us to create the life we want and do more than just survive. The alarm will keep us stressed until we focus on what's most import to us.

You we’ll learn different techniques

to reduce stress.

Learn how you can sleep

so you not only sleep better

but “re-program” your body to feel

good all day long.