Step 4: Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Research has revealed that obesity increases your risk of cancer. It can also affect your chances of survival should you be diagnosed with cancer. In one study of post-menopausal women with breast cancer, the survival rates were higher in women who maintained a healthy body weight.
I urge you to lose weight if you’re overweight. Body fat is not just a sluggish substance; it is metabolically active, capable of producing hormones and chemicals
that actually increase levels of inflammation. By losing weight you’ll automatically reduce the level of inflammation in your body, prevent and support many chronic conditions.
Many people try desperately to recover those pretty and slim bodies from their teens. They fight fiercely to lose pounds, lead a secret war against the scale, and still do not succeed because they choose the wrong way.
I am going to discuss the most important thing. You’ve heard many times that obesity is health risk causing heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stroke. That is right. People push the idea that fat directly causes these problems and you should lose weight so you can be healthier.
I used to believe it too, but in reality it doesn’t cause any of those problems. Weight is the symptom of failing body not a cause. You need to be healthy first before you can lose weight.
One of main reasons you can’t lose weight is imbalanced hormonal system.
There are over 600 different hormones in the body, each with a unique function.
There is a strong interdependence between all of hormones. When one hormone is released, it affects many other hormones. This works by extensive feedback loops. For instance, if there is too much hormone secreted by a gland, it feeds back a message to another gland to slow its secretion and that can create a domino effect throughout the body's entire hormone balance and health overall. It is a system that cannot be micro-managed, yet everyone seems to be trying to do exactly that.
to fixing your hormones naturally and
uncover the reasons your hormones
are working against your efforts and
how you can “reset” them to feel good 24/7.
exercise, stress and sleep.
There are two things that can happen with
these triggers. You can eat and exercise to heal
your body or you can eat and exercise
to make it weaker. The huge hidden problem is
that some people are confused by using
the wrong triggers and thus make things worse.
The program we’ll change that.
and burn fat permanently by your body type
and become healthier in the process.