Breathing Exercise for
the Whole Body
the Whole Body
Adelle Davis
This specific whole body exercise actually exercises all the muscles in the abdominal area and the whole body. This is a lot of muscular area! This is what will dramatically affect the blood flow to your body. The fresh oxygen rich blood is what we want your body to have. That is what brings the new life energies and nourishment to your body. That is what revitalizes you and makes you feel good!
You can do this exercise anytime, anywhere. You won't build up a sweat or even wrinkle your clothes. And, it will have a rejuvenating massaging influence on all your abdominal organs and the whole body. And, if that is not enough, if you are overweight you will probably lose 2 or more inches on your waistline. Without cutting calories from your diet!
Just because this exercise is simple
and does not take much time,
that does not mean it is not highly effective.
I’ll explain how to do it the right way.